Friday, May 4, 2012

Refresh My Day

It has been a long day for me! I am exhausted and I do not even want to turn on the computer to blog about the day. But I have promoised myself I have to blog EVERYDAY, I still have to do it. Postponing to tomorrow will give me excuses again, so now I have to act according to my discipline and be proactive. Hope I won’t doze off while writing this blog.

The day starts at 6 am and I got up even a bit earlier. My neighbor then spotted me and then came here to argue with me that my dog has been digging around in his lawn because he can sneak into his house by a hole down there in the fence. The hole was there when I moved in, and I found no responsibility for me to fix it, neither did my neighbor. So to prevent my puppy from sneaking to other’s home again I would have to do something. Neighbor when on and on talking about how disturbed they felt and I just lost any breathe arguing with her any further more.
At noon I began to water my little garden in the backyard. Damn the water spray does not work. It was still functional yesterday. It must be my lab which like to bite the spray head. After a bit of struggling, I managed to shower my garden with the shower head I temporary borrowed from the bathroom.
I guess I have to ground my black lab from going out from the house. I will take it to a walk nearby instead of letting it to wander in my backyard or near the fence. Certainly he would have less fun. But unless he knew how to behave I have to forbid him from going there. It is perfect if I could train my lab from doing that.